Getting Started


Learn how to customize the global appearance of NuxtWind components.

If you want to customize the color theme of all your NuxtWind components all at once, you can add a theme to your tailwind.config.js. NuxtWind will take the theme from your tailwind.config.js and apply it to all components.


NuxtWind uses the theme-property-keys primary and secondary to determine the colors of the components. You can pass the theme values to NuxtWind in two ways:

  • tailwind.config.js: Extend your tailwind.config.js theme to hold colors for primary and secondary.
  • nuxt.config.ts: Pass an object with the theme values to the nuxtwind-Config-Key in your nuxt.config.ts.
module.exports = {
  darkMode: "class",
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: {
          50: "#fefce8",
          100: "#fef9c3",
          200: "#fef08a",
          300: "#fde047",
          400: "#facc15",
          500: "#eab308",
          600: "#ca8a04",
          700: "#a16207",
          800: "#854d0e",
          900: "#713f12",
        secondary: {
          50: "#f8fafc",
          100: "#f1f5f9",
          200: "#e2e8f0",
          300: "#cbd5e1",
          400: "#94a3b8",
          500: "#64748b",
          600: "#475569",
          700: "#334155",
          800: "#1e293b",
          900: "#0f172a",
export default defineNuxtConfig({
    modules: ['@nuxtwind/components'],
    nuxtwind: {
        theme: {
          primary: {
            50: "#fefce8",
            100: "#fef9c3",
            200: "#fef08a",
            300: "#fde047",
            400: "#facc15",
            500: "#eab308",
            600: "#ca8a04",
            700: "#a16207",
            800: "#854d0e",
            900: "#713f12",
          secondary: {
            50: "#f8fafc",
            100: "#f1f5f9",
            200: "#e2e8f0",
            300: "#cbd5e1",
            400: "#94a3b8",
            500: "#64748b",
            600: "#475569",
            700: "#334155",
            800: "#1e293b",
            900: "#0f172a",

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